Quick tip approach and troubleshoot methods.


No responses? Seeking latest status of a transmission? Use these initial techniques in AceSuite© to review responses.

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Harmonized Tariff Updates.

Harmonized tariffs are essential for trade operations. Keep inform for latest version to be in current with CBP's catalog.

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Bill of Ladings.

Getting a no bill match? CBP seeks accurate information from the bill when processing trade transmissions.

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PGA's and Licenses.

How to report PGA's and licenses if applicable in AceSuite.

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DIS Uploads

Send external documents to CBP via the DIS system.

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Pre-Post FDA Cargo Release.

A quick guide on the different scenarios transmitting cargo release and FDA.

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CBP Dashboard

CBP's reference website to view Ace application's performance and availabilty.

Documentation Resources

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Web Reports


  • Entries




  • Entry Statements




  • DIS

    Account Receivables



Frequently Asked Questions

Either a system maintenance is in progress or a transmission was sent with improper alpha characters. Visit CBP's dashboard availability site for module statuses CBP Dashboard or contact RB Systems for system communication status at

In the administrative menu under Inbond tab. General > Admin

Typically, for Daily Statements, the dates are 6 to 9 business days after the cargo is released by CBP, which would be the cargo release date. For Periodic Monthly Statements, it's the 15th working day of the month.

Either information of the bill is missing or inaccurate. Use AceSuite's query module fom the Trade menu to retrieve bol information. Make sure the bol is on file in CBP's database. For ISF's, the house bill can be retrieve by selecting the query button.

Trade > CBP Trans > Module: Queries

CBP cannot link the SCN (Shipment Control Number) with the Entry or Inbond. Review Bill of Lading information for accuracy.

Perform a query in AceSuite to grab the latest information of the bill of lading and inbond. Confirm the arrival port where the merchandise will be exported through. In AceSuite, go to Trade > Arrive/Export and proceed with the module creating the form and transmission.

Entry Summary needs to be on file and statement due date within the 10 day range. Go to the Entry and under Transmission button, select the small arrow on the right and choose Delete Entry From Statement. Re-transmit Entry Summary afterwards with action Replace to be on statement.

In the Entry, top menu from the CBP line, select More then Census. Apply the corresponding Condition and Override code. (the codes are displayed in the transmission response). Go to the Entry and under Transmission button, select the small arrow on the right and choose Census Warning Override to transmit.

Yes. This can be done from a saved Template created from the Trade document under Tools or using the 'Initialize From' feature in the initial creation screen of the document. example

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